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by Joshua Patterson, A.K.A. The Kronikler

Survivors can be separated into categories

That lead to the awe-inspiring allegory

Of P.A.I.N.: Power Against Infested Nations,

A potent remedy for any oppressive situation.


The neglected are often subjected to a most unpleasant conception

That releases them into a foreign world void of a map for direction,

And renders them exposed to the short-sighted rejection

Issued by those who fail to apply more than brief inspection.


So the victim becomes a missile misguided,

Ultimately exploding on a society too blinded

By the objectives that make up who they desire to be

To ever notice a ticking time bomb they seldom see.


But could it be that humanity can obtain a more defined identity

Through the analysis of an enmity projected by a familiar entity?


If pain truly is power, then there is a need for educators

To teach our many users, abusers, and haters

How to convert their malice into a medicine

That enlightens the darkened minds of despondent youth like Edison


In many cases, they’re only dishing out what they’ve taken in,

And because—like us—they’ve been born into sin,

It takes some time for them to realize their anguish is ammunition

Against and Enemy who seeks to beat God’s children into submission.


His aim is to isolate the wronged in uncharted land

Where they are void of position, purpose, or a plan,

But his greed for lost souls ironically results in a new breed

Of royal warriors appointed to save a world in need.


To every individual who’s been scarred or traumatized,

To those who have been victimized and hypnotized,

You do not bear those wounds to inflict them on your fellow man,

But to relate to those who you are destined to lend a helping hand.


You’re a significant human being with your own specified ethnicity,

And your message contains such a potent authenticity

That it could potentially be the perfect remedy

For a people in need of a triumphant melody.


So let your life be an anthem that sings

Of the native land that you found

When you made the decision to transform your stings

Into a beautiful and glorious sound

That testifies unto the Savior in whom you found warmth amidst the biting frost,

Testifies unto the Heaven you found amidst a paradise lost.

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