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by Joshua Patterson, A.K.A. The Kronikler

How do I begin to describe who I am as a creator?

A generator of thoughts, poetry, words, design

A vivacious sensation of coordinations that align

To form realities? No, more like reflections.

Reflections of the world around me, intended to connect with minds re-soun-*DING*!

With the inspiration to challenge the questions of generations -- with the help of some perspective, of course.

And perspective is learning from the collective earnings of completed journeys; I value the past

So much that I work to translate it to modern language; I want it to last

So long it expires in the hearts of an audience that's become too spoiled

To accept the lot given to them by a society that's way too loyal

To shallow waters for a deeper truth

And I'm not one to substitute the fruits

Of forward thinking drawn from culture's roots

For vain illusions that are destitute

Of juice that fuels a better me and you.

My name is Joshua Patterson; Tell your wife, your kids, your mom

That you can check out all my work at!

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